Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Portuguese Public Finance Council

Created in february 2012, the Portuguese Public Finance Council has published the first review analysis. It can be found in There is a version of the report in English. The report is overall positive with the budget policies, but still finds room for recommendation about further improvements.


  1. Bolas então a soluução é dar nome inglês a todos os institutos e aos tribunais
    assim em menos de três meses começam a produzir relatórios que dantes demoravam anos
    tamos safos como Safo..é natural somos gregos

  2. The government should improve the quality of macroeconomic projections underlying the fiscal strategy and the annual budget targets. To achieve this, the macroeconomic projections should be entrusted to an appropriate independent institution.

    ou em inglês techno in trust we trust the tristes trust's

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    is easy to measure

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